<?php class MyCaptchaAction { /** * @var integer the width of the generated CAPTCHA image. Defaults to 120. * 图片宽度,默认120 */ public $width = 120; /** * @var integer the height of the generated CAPTCHA image. Defaults to 50. * 图片高度,默认50 */ public $height = 50; /** * @var integer padding around the text. Defaults to 2. * 图片内边距,默认2 */ public $padding = 2; /** * @var integer the background color. For example, 0x55FF00. * Defaults to 0xFFFFFF, meaning white color. * 背景色,默认白色 */ public $backColor = 0xFFFFFF; /** * @var integer the font color. For example, 0x55FF00. Defaults to 0x2040A0 (blue color). * 字体颜色,默认蓝色 */ public $foreColor = 0x2040A0; /** * @var boolean whether to use transparent background. Defaults to false. * 是否背景透明,默认否 */ public $transparent = false; /** * @var integer the minimum length for randomly generated word. Defaults to 6. * 验证码字符串最小长度,默认6 */ public $minLength = 6; /** * @var integer the maximum length for randomly generated word. Defaults to 7. * 验证码字符串最大长度,默认7 */ public $maxLength = 7; /** * @var integer the offset between characters. Defaults to -2. You can adjust this property * in order to decrease or increase the readability of the captcha. * @since 1.1.7 * 字符间偏移量 **/ public $offset = -2; /** * @var string the TrueType font file. Defaults to Duality.ttf which is provided * with the Yii release. * 字体文件,默认是Duality.ttf,字体文件和类文件同级目录。 */ public $fontFile; /** * 构造函数,类属性可以通过这里初始化,传入数组的方式, */ public function __construct($params){ foreach ($params as $key => $value){ $this->$key = $value; } } /** * 获取产生的验证码字符串 */ public function getVerifyCode(){ return $this->generateVerifyCode(); } /** * 实例化类之后,调用此方法生存验证码图片 */ public function run(){ $this->renderImageGD($this->getVerifyCode()); } /** * Generates a new verification code. * @return string the generated verification code */ protected function generateVerifyCode() { if($this->minLength < 3) $this->minLength = 3; if($this->maxLength > 20) $this->maxLength = 20; if($this->minLength > $this->maxLength) $this->maxLength = $this->minLength; $length = mt_rand($this->minLength,$this->maxLength); $letters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; $code = ''; for($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) { $code.=$letters{mt_rand(0,34)}; } return $code; } /** * Renders the CAPTCHA image based on the code using GD library. * @param string $code the verification code * @since 1.1.13 */ protected function renderImageGD($code) { $image = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width,$this->height); //分配颜色 $backColor = imagecolorallocate($image, (int)($this->backColor % 0x1000000 / 0x10000), (int)($this->backColor % 0x10000 / 0x100), $this->backColor % 0x100); imagefilledrectangle($image,0,0,$this->width,$this->height,$backColor); //取消之前分配的颜色 imagecolordeallocate($image,$backColor); if($this->transparent) imagecolortransparent($image,$backColor); $foreColor = imagecolorallocate($image, (int)($this->foreColor % 0x1000000 / 0x10000), (int)($this->foreColor % 0x10000 / 0x100), $this->foreColor % 0x100); if($this->fontFile === null) $this->fontFile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/Duality.ttf'; //默认的字体文件,Yii框架自带的 $length = strlen($code); $box = imagettfbbox(30,0,$this->fontFile,$code); $w = $box[4] - $box[0] + $this->offset * ($length - 1); $h = $box[1] - $box[5]; $scale = min(($this->width - $this->padding * 2) / $w,($this->height - $this->padding * 2) / $h); $x = 10; $y = round($this->height * 27 / 40); for($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) { $fontSize = (int)(rand(26,32) * $scale * 0.8); $angle = rand(-10,10); $letter = $code[$i]; $box = imagettftext($image,$fontSize,$angle,$x,$y,$foreColor,$this->fontFile,$letter); $x = $box[2] + $this->offset; } imagecolordeallocate($image,$foreColor); header('Pragma: public'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header("Content-type: image/png"); imagepng($image); imagedestroy($image); } }